Saturday, August 27, 2005

Finally, a blog that I can call mine

About 18 months ago Jeff K. told me, "You really should get a blog, it's a really good way to communicate with your family and friends." I told him, yeah, yeah, I'll think about it.

A blog works well for Jeff; he's a meticulous person. A close look at his blog will confirm this (I assume absolutely no responsibility for the posts on his site, click at your own risk). He posts fairly often. I know me - It's going to be tough.

But...he has a point. So 18 months after it was suggested to me, the launch of "Arbitrary and Biased" is complete!. This blog will give me the ability to #1 vent my angers at the world (and believe me there are many) and #2 stay connected with the family and friends that I have back home in the States. I'm a current resident of Montpellier, France; where the sun shines 320 days per year, the average August temperature is about 85° F and the average January temp is around 50° F. I live five minutes from work and 10 minutes from the Mediterranian coast. Needless to say, life could be worse...Now to try to hall this post back on track; my parents do not live anywhere near France, nor do most of my Ami friends. So in an attempt to keep them in the loop as to my doings I'm going to try to be diligent and post here frequently.

Also, in keeping the "family friendly" format I'm going to try to keep this blog in the PG to PG-13 range. I share a blog that frequently (or quite possibily "always") dips into the "R" range, so I on this one I'll try to ensure that everyone is welcome!


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