Friday, April 07, 2006

Spanish Bombs (and Militants for the Status Quo)

Sorry for the title...I've been listening to the Clash of late and it's the first phrase that I thought of with "Spanish" in it...although, I guess since I'm going to a frisbee tournament, there may be some long throws that could be referred as "bombs."

Anyway, I'm off to Lloret de Mar in a few hours to spend 3 days eating, drinking, socializing, and I guess playing a bit of frisbee - possibly on the beach shown at left!

The weather is supposed to be nice - Check out the picture-forecast for Saturday (below). I'll be at that sun symbol in the lower-central part of the picture.

I was thinking about bringing my computer down to try to do some real-time blogging, but it's just too much of a pain in the neck, so you'll have to wait until Tuesday to get my full report. I promise to take as many pictures as necessary to make you all completely jealous of my life as a "chomeur" (unemployed french resident).

Changing subjects completely here, Newsweek has an article with an excellent title: "France's Militants for the Status Quo" by Christopher Dickey. It's [another] piece from an American standpoint about all the stuff that's happening over here, but it has some good analysis about what's going on.


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