Maggie hits Homer with Hammer = Ok: No Seatbelt = Bad

Some researchers out in CA have decided that it's a bad example to people that the Simpsons don't wear seat belts in their show.
Ok, obviously we would all like every TV show (and for that matter radio program, book, and magazine) that we enjoy to preach to every possible moral and social issue in the book, but come on...
We're talking about a show that is a) animated and has seen b) Homer fall into the Springfield Gorge; Homer get hit on the head with nearly every object known to humankind; Homer drive drunk, many times; The Sea Captain get speared with a swordfish; I think you get the idea.
For real, ok maybe it is a bad example, but if people are making their seat belt wearing choices based on a animated television (that if it romanticizes anything, it's the stupidity of Homer), maybe they deserve what happens to them because of their lack of a seat belt.
from Autoblog
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