Eat, Drink and be Married

Anyway, I will start you off with the typical "Happy Couple Leaving Site of Ceremony" (in our case the French mairie (or city hall for the 5 times more people that speak English as a first language than speak French as one.))
The wedding was a great success thanks to many factors including the fact that a number of my family members could make it across the ocean (I never liked the "pond" thing, I don't know why) to share this occasion with us.
After the wedding we went to the states to party like it was 199...ummm, wait, what do we say now? Stupid Prince, he really wasn't looking at the future when he wrote that song was he. Pfppt, only thinking nine years into the future...Anyway, in short we went to the states to hang out with the folks that didn't get to come over.

After traveling to my parents house we continued our journey to see Boston - they were playing some rinky-dink club in Utica - ok not really, the actual city (or sub-city if you ask your average New Yorker). Anyway, I was still a bit jet-lagged, so it was a rough ride; plus it rained the entire length of the Mass Pike, at night. We finally get to BOS, we cruise through the city like it was the middle of the night (most likely because it was) and get to our wonderful 4-star hotel that I had reserved on Boston Bay. Finally, the trip is over, the hotel's lobby was great, we all wanted to crash...Actually I wanted a drink and then to crash. Unload 800 pounds of weary traveler gear, go to reception.
"Ah, Mr. Salo, yes nice to see you, how are you tonight"
"Well, Mr. Salo, here's the thing...blah, blah, blah, yah, yah room...blah blah blah...y..[wait, I thought I just heard you say "no room"]"
"Yeah, well blah blah blah, yah yah yah, radar, blah blah, fog, blah blah, don't worry." The room was at/near Logan Airport.
At this point I think I was more-or-less incapable of worry, he assured me that he would find a hotel for me. Finally about 3 dog-hours later he came back and told me that they were going to put us up in a wonderful hotel that he didn't know of, but the guys who loaded and unloaded the bags would be able to help me find. Allegedly they will repay my usurped rooms for the night and I didn't pay the other room; so we had one night free in Boston. Not bad, I guess.
The next morning we went back to finally check into our real hotel...Different reception guy...I tell him my name...he laughs...they cancelled my reservation totally, not just one night but both. Anyway, the guy was very accommodating and managed to work it out after about 5 minutes.

Anyway, I know this is a pretty lame post, but it beats the other one that has been up here for over a month. I have a couple of other things in mind...stay tuned.
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