House Update
Ok, consider yourselves lucky! I just took a few pictures and then realized that I hadn't the slightest idea where the USB connector was...lo-and-behold, it was where it was supposed to be! So you get pictures too!
Anyway, it's been a while, and for that I'm sorry. I've had a house to try to deal with, though. Since our move was programmed for last Saturday, the pressure really mounted last week to try to get everything done...Finish the tiling, do the joints, sand the wood upstairs, put down three coats of varnish, try to get all the drywall spackled and sanded...ugh. Needless to say, I didn't leave the house before 9:30pm last week, and didn't work less than 13 hours a day. We got as much as possible done before the big move. Saturday was moving day!
I want to take one minute out of my blog to thank Yohann who was with us from 9am until 9pm and did not stop. I'd like to say that I would be as involved in someone else's move, but I doubt it. It was really helpful because he's about 6'4" and quite strong.
Anyway, the move went as well as a move can go. Stressful, annoying, but nothing (as far as I know) broke and we got all of the big stuff out of the apartment on Saturday...Sunday was the cleanup day, and man does that suck. Anyway, we had help on sunday too so that went by without incident and we'll be getting our security deposit back in its entirety (which is good because its already earmarked).
Anyway, Julie took Monday off, but left for Montreal on Tuesday, so I've been trying to get stuff done this week. It's a lot more difficult to work when you've got stuff all around you. But that's the way it is. My internet came back on Weds morning, which was good. I was without internet for about 70 hours total, but it felt like 4 weeks...I think I'm going to get a Blackberry as my next phone so I never have to worry about this again...
Anyway, here's some pictures. The first one is the floor in my office just after I had finished the final coat of oil (for those keeping score at home, I used a "hard base" (I don't know the name in english, that's the literal translation from French) followed by two coats of non-color oil).

The bedroom - I like the contrast of the shopvac and spackle mix surrounding the laundry.

The closet...I just put up those bars today!

The kitchen (it looks better arranged than it really is. That Ikea (ee-KAY-uh) thing is about 4 inches from the wall because I have plumbing behind it that needs to be moved. One of the feet on the sink broken when I was trying to install the Ikea thing, and to get to the bathroom you have to go behind the Ikea thing